Friday, 8 February 2013


I felt lead to share this message Tyler Perry put on his Facebook page God bless him!!!!
It's funny how a song, a taste, a scent, or something as simple as a change in weather can trigger a memory. Certain times of year make me think about when I was homeless. Especially the winter. I started thinking about this one lady in particular who helped me out during that time. She was a good soul who saw me in need and gave me money and food. She didn't have much but what she had she shared out of the kindness of her heart. I told her that when I got successful I would pay her back. She smiled and said, "You don't have to pay me anything. I just felt led to help you."

I couldn't stop thinking about her the other day so I did some research and found her. Imagine her shock when I called her. She didn't even think that I remembered her. It's funny how something that was a small gesture to her was a huge blessing to me. As we went on talking, she reluctantly told me that she had just lost her job and was facing foreclosure. Of course, I did some things to help her out.

Why am I telling you this? I'm glad you asked. She gave to me out of the kindness of her heart. She gave to me from a pure place and expected nothing in return. The thing that brought tears to my eyes and blessed me so about this situation was this: this woman planted a seed in my life almost twenty years ago. But what she didn't know at the time was that the seed she planted would one day come back and bless her life just when she needed it most.

So what am I saying? I'm saying that if you are a giver of whatever you have... time, money, love, help, whatever it is... if you plant it in pureness it has got to come back to you. It may take a while but you will reap a harvest from that seed. Don't be weary in well-doing. It will come back to you. I know sometimes it may seem that all the good you do goes unnoticed by people, but if they don't notice, it doesn't matter. If they don't acknowledge your kindness, it does not matter. You know why? Because I promise you God sees it all and He is the only one that matters. And He is bound by His word, and that word says you will reap what you sow. So sow on, sow good seeds. They will grow and come back to you when you least expect it.

God bless you today.

Monday, 28 January 2013

You are amazing God !

These words just filled my soul

Indescribable, uncontainable, You place the stars in the sky and You know them by name, You are amazing God !!
All powerful, untamable, awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly Proclaim, You are Amazing God!!!
Who sees lightning bolts and tells them where they should go ,who imagined the sun and gave source to it's light .None can fathom!!
Incomparable, unchangeable, You've seen the depths of my heart and You love me the same, You are Amazing God!!

Friday, 18 January 2013


Many of us are coming into 2013 believing and hoping God will do remarkable things in our lives! but our fears are holding us back. This is a powerful prayer that I want to share with everyone dealing with fear this 2013! God is going to do something GREAT THIS YEAR YOU DESERVE IT! LET GO OF THE FEAR!

Abba Father!

I come before You with arms outstretched, crying out for You to reassure me, to stabilize me, to centralize me, to anchor me in Yourself. You are the Rock, the Solid Ground, the Firm Foundation, the Eternal One, and the Lover of my soul who has sworn to be faithful to those who are the children of faith, who throw themselves upon You, and cry out for Your mercies. My heart is anxious and full of worry and anxiety. It seems like circumstances around me are too challenging, too massive, too diverse, too problematic, too sabotaged, and too doomed for failure and impotence. I worry that none of these will succeed, and that none of these will count for anything of eternal value. I feel motivation-less, and also as if these things don’t matter any way. But Lord, You have called me to serve where I am. You have called me to be the way that I am. You have fashioned me uniquely according to Your purpose and plan, set apart in Christ Jesus for the good works that You want me to do. Your ways are true and good, and they will not fail because they serve Your agenda. O Lord, help me to see that these truths are more real than what seems real right now. Help my eyes to lock onto the Eternal God, invisible though You may be, and help me to not to shift away from You. Help me to see that though the heavens may pass away and the earth fade into nothingness, You O Lord, remain forever, and Your purposes are sure.

Speaking of Father Abraham, Your word says, “That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all,” (Romans 4:16 ESV) Cause me then to grow in faith, to grow in steadfast assurance that You are a Promise-Keeping God. Help my mind recall and reflect upon all the ways that You have been true and faithful, bringing forth life out of death again and again in my short life. You have drawn the stranger to Yourself in faith again and again, and daily, recreated spiritual life and more faith out of my weak and wretched soul. Yes Lord, You are the God “who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” (Romans 4:17 ESV) Who can question Your power and Your might?

This is what it means to trust You - to see who You are, to meditate upon You, and to defeat unbelief and wavering in my mind about You. Cause me then to be like Abraham, O Lord, “No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” (Romans 4:20-21 ESV) And You have promised so much. You have said that You will raise up Christ Jesus and draw all men to Him. You have said that You will never leave us nor forsake us, and that when we pray You hear it for Jesus’ sake. You have said that we have an inheritance that is eternal, imperishable, incorruptibe. You have said that You have set us apart for Yourself, and that You will be my God and I will be Your son. You have said that my sufferings will produce character and in character, ultimately hope. You have promised that Your Son will reign, and that in Him all things will be made new, because of the blood that He shed on Calvary. Make it so, Lord God, that I will be made new, that You will take away fear and anxiety. Take away this nagging discomfort and depressive feeling, make every thought of Christ be that of joy and delight in Him. O I pray it, in the strong name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Wisely, Strongly, and Freely…

I want to start this year with some wonderful words I came across from Sarah Jakes.She spoke the words that were in my heart. Like her I strongly believe in the power of love and I see 2013 as a year of love.Many of us have suffered in the hands of those we have loved but God is going to bring us abundant love this year!

Sarah Jakes..........Call me naïve, call me young, call me what you want… I believe in love. I look at my children and know that I would lay my life down to save theirs… without hesitation… without a second thought. I believe in love that doesn’t ignore wrongs, but pushes past it to find the right. I have known love that stands as a wall around me in the face of adversity, protecting me from a harsh world. I have seen love that silences personal thoughts and opinions, to spare pain from the one they love. I have witnessed love that casts the perfect shadow in the scorching heat of heartbreak. I believe in that giddy, conquers all, we can take on the world love…

I trust love… I trust that no matter what happens, love will see us through. I trust that love can see my mistakes and beauty at the same time, never loving me any less. I don’t believe what “they” say when they tell me love will make me weak. Love has picked me up when I couldn’t find my own way, filling the gap that exists between making my weakness a strength. I believe love is patient, because it knows it cannot be denied… Love is what wakes me up in the middle of the night to pray for my children. Love is what guided me out of harm’s way… Love is what protected me from the things I didn’t understand, but wanted so badly to know.

Love has mended the heart of the most shattered people. Love has provided warmth in life’s coldest days, reminding me I am not alone. My family did not just say they loved me, they showed me… There were plenty of times they could have turned their back, leaving me to muddle in my own pool of wrong… but love picked me up, cleaned me off, and carried my head up high until I gained the strength to do it on my own.Even though many people masquerade lust as love, I will not be swayed… I will not give up, because I believe in love… I have experienced too much love to ever turn my back on it. Love cannot be seen, it isn’t always felt, but in the most needed moments, it wraps itself around us like skin, marking all that we touch with our love prints…

I pray that life never robs us of the treasure, that is love. Too many times we give up on love because someone abused it… Someone broke us. We become afraid to feel the warmth of love flee, so we choose to adjust to the cold of this world… But true love should begin on the inside. It should exist in the deepest part of our soul so it is not easily robbed… It should burn fervently so that it can melt the ice that life brings… Yea, I believe in love, in the beauty it possesses and the pain it heals. I cannot believe in God and not believe in love, for they are one in the same. I cannot trust God, and not trust love… Just as we must be cautious who we allow to lead us to God, we must also be careful who we let show us love… Love is too powerful to be administered by someone you cannot trust… Love is medicine for the soul, but if given to the wrong person, what is meant to help you, will hurt you… Love is too powerful to be shackled by your past… Love wisely, strongly, and freely…